Ask a Better Question
Welcome to LifeByMark Installment #4! How do you approach difficult, untenable or complicated decisions? How do we enter this market? How do we save for retirement? How do I get healthy/fit? If you're like many people, you likely seek to simplify the problem by starting with your perceived constraints - the things you "can't" do: "Someone else owns this part of the market already" "I can't find any money to save" "I don't have time" etc. I would like to suggest that starting with constraints is "asking the wrong question". I have suggested to many teams over the years that a better way to begin is to ask where do you really want to end up first. Why? I find that often once I've finished considering all the constraints (what can/can't I do?) there are no longer any possible destinations worth going to. So, you might think that means there aren't any good destinations. I have found that absolutely not to...